Thursday, December 2, 2010

Dec1:  Erika and Sophia arrived last night.  Woke up this morning and decorated the tree.  Since the kids had late start this morning we had plenty of time.  Jim took the day off to spend with us.  Erika treated us to lunch at Pad Thai.  Did some fun shopping at the mall and found a cute Santa dress for Madison.  Later found a seam that had come undone so we'll have to exchange it.  Enjoyed a nice dinner of potato sausage (made by Jeremy and thought that it was the best I've ever tasted), mashed potatoes and broccoli.  Also made a batch of Krusteas chocolate crinkle cookies--delicious.  Zachary started his first guitar lesson and I think it went well.  The intructor, Jason, offered to teach Jim at the same time--free of charge.

Took off around 8:45 to take Sophia and Erika to the airport to see if they made it on their flight back to Okinawa.  Sophia was so broken hearted to leave Madison.  It was so sad to see her cry so hard.  She fell asleep within 10 minutes though.  Checked in the Radisson which is right across the street from the airport.  Nice location.  We had fun experimenting with the sleep number beds.  Erika got checked in to Space A--and then we waited.  Lucky we brought our camp chairs--there were no seats available to wait--a lesson learned from last time.  Sophia crashed out on a sleeping bag and Erika propped her feet up on the luggage.  We visited for 2 1/2 hours waiting and expecting and hoping only to find out there was no space available on the flight.  We were all so excited to go back to the room and crash from exhaustion.  In bed by 1:45 a.m.

Dec 2:  woke up to my cell phone ringing at 8:00.  Jim seemed surprised that I was still sleeping.  Got ready and had a great breakfast at Panera Bread, shopped at DSW ( major score with 3 pair of new shoes), checked out Nordstrom Rack (not impressive) and then went to Southcenter.  Discovered a new tea store called Teavana and found a great Christmas present for Kate.  The teamaker we got her is awesome and I want one just like it.  Got her a cannister of Youthberry and Wild Orange Blossom.  It smells amazing and tastes wonderful.  It's suppose to reduce wrinkles.  I got a little for myself so I'll see if it works;).  Next we found a Sketcher's store and I got another pair of beautiful white sparkly tennis shoes.  Shared some teriyaki chicken and soba noodles at the food court.  Erika bought a box of peanut brittle from See's candy--the most amazing peanut brittle in the world.  Had and easy trip home just in time to unload, warm up the house and pick up the kids from school.  I loved Southcenter and I'm going to plan more trips there throughout the year.

Jim found 2 one-way tickets to Okinawa on Monday for Erika and Sophia.  We lucked out and get to spend the next three day with them.  And  they are guaranteed  a trip back home to see Jusen.  What a relief and it only cost $1,200 to make it happen.

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