Monday, November 15, 2010

40 days til Christmas

Turned on Pandora today and Christmas music started playing.  I helped Madison figure out how many days there were until Christmas and holy cow--it's only 40 days.  I must get busy planning the holiday cards.  We have decided to keep it simple this year and do a holiday photo card from Costco.  Right now there is a coupon so you can get 60 or so cards for like 10 bucks.    Now lets figure out how much that will cost to mail.  60x.43=$25.80.  Not too bad to let everyone know what we look like and that we're thinking of them.

Now for a quote I ran across today on Aurajoon's blog .  I haven't visited her site in a few months and was thrilled to learn that she and her husband are expecting.  Her baby is due in April and I look forward to watching them grow and seeing how Aura writes about her new baby.  She is a beautiful writer and photographer.  Check her out.

Nothing can bring you happiness but yourself.  (or having this bouquet delivered to your house!)

Sidenote:  Just had to explain to Madison what the "b" word was.  Evidently there is this kind of name calling going on at the playground.  How nice for a 3rd grader.

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