Monday, November 29, 2010

OMG, what has happened?  My intention with this blog is to write something daily so that the days don't just blend together and pass me by unnoticed.  I want to remember every day as if it is the most special day offered to me--and it is.  My ability to remember the little details of my life and even some momentous occasions is dissappointing.  Writing here is my way of keeping track of what happened, what's important and what I find interesting at that moment.  Practice, practice, practice...........that's what I tell Zach and Madison when they get frustrated with learning something new.  That is the only way to get better and I am no exception.

So off the top of my head this is what I can remember of the last 9 days.

Saturday 20th:  In expectation of a designer visiting our house at 1230 to look at our master bathroom to suggest some ideas for remodeling, I did some super cleaning of the bathroom storage closet and our regular closet.  It has been neglected for way too long.  I cannot believe how many clothes I have removed from that space to make room for order and new items that I plan on purchasing soon (Black Friday).  The dude came and left within 10 minutes because we were not a candidate for the shower liner he was able to provide.  He didn't really seem like a "designer" type so I refrained from picking his brain on any ideas for the house as was sugggested by the Home Depot I met on Thursday.  Oh well, our house looks fantastic right now.  And I am going to keep working on that closet.  Donate some, consign some, save some for repurposing.  Have I mentioned that I want to learn to sew?  Well, I might as well practice on some fabric that is Free.   Now that's some smart thinking.
I think Madison had a playdate at Emma's house in the afternoon.  Spencer was over here playing with Zach all morning and stayed until around 230.  Those two boys get along very well and I'm glad Zach has a friend like Spencer who is so conventiently located.  Just this last summer we have given Zach more responsibility and allowed him to ride his bike by himself over to Spencer's house.  The distance is not that far but just the idea of letting him out of our eyesight, while being alone and vulnerable is a huge step to take as parents.  We just have to remember that he knows the basics as far as safety goes, and that this is just the first step of many in which we prepare Zachary to be on his own eventually.  It's so hard letting go.  I just want to let him stay my little boy forever, sweet and loving and safe in my arms.
Skyped with the Robbins' family that went to visit Erika in Virginia.  It was so great to see Dawn, John, Jenny, Deb, Tom and Kate.  I am so happy they all made to trip to see the Garcia's.

Sunday 21st:  Madison had a Chuck E. Cheese birthday party to go to for her friend Audry.  She had a blast and the plan is to have her birthday party there too.  This may be the last year that that is cool with the peers so I am in full support of this idea.  Plus any kid party that takes place outside our home is a huge plus. Talked a little to Julie Gallager, Hannah's mom, and found out that Kevin lost his job down in Portland last week.  How disappointing for their family--and right before the holidays.  I hope he finds something wonderful soon.

Monday 22:  Today it snowed.  A lot.  It was beautiful and I got to bask in the glow it provides into our home.  The lighting becomes bright but soft.  I went in to Mrs. Rowell's class today to help the kids make pumpkin fluff pies.  Jim is working swing shift this week so we had lunch at the Thai Garden and I got a Pad Thai fix.  It was delicious as usual and Jim's Chicken Fried Rice was excellent.  We sat by a window and watched to snow fall, it was lovely.  Zach went over to Spencer's house to play in the snow.  As a bonus, Ft. Lewis closed due to the weather and approaching storm front so Jim was on his way home at 7:00.  It took him over an hour to get home--but at least he made it here safely.

Tue 23:  Snow day.  The temperatures remained in the 20's so the roads didn't have a chance to melt and recover from our 4 inches of snow.  We gave the kids a pair of sleds to play with, an early Christmas present.  They played out there most of the day and had a blast.

Wed 24:  Another snow day.  Got started on my Thanksgiving contributions.  Made pumpkin bars, bumble berry pie, oyster dip and sweet potato casserole.  Caught up on Dr. Laura shows, I think I listened to 6 or 7 of them while I was baking and cleaning.  That is 3 1/2 hours of work.  I was ready to sit down and relax a little.  But instead I took the kids out.  Dinner at Arby's in Lacey, shopped at Sears for snow boots for Zachary, dessert at Heavenly doughnuts and a movie, "Tangled", a modern day version of Rupunzel.  We all loved it and thought it was funny and delightful and we found many characters that we loved.

Thurs 25:  Thanksgiving day.  Watched the Macy's Thanksgiving parade.  Read the paper and looked over the adds--considered going out on Black Friday, we must be losing our minds.  Got over to Jeremy's around one o'clock.  We enjoyed 3 turkeys, all prepared differently.  One was baked and basted frequently in the oven, one was brined and injected and then bbq'd and smoked (my favorite), and then one was deep fried.
The mashed potatoes and gravy  were amazing (usually I don't get too excited about these two items but today they were that good).  My bumble berry pie was terrific but Samantha's chocolate Cyrus O'leary's pie won the award for best dessert--no leftovers there.  Jeremy made a huckleberry pie that was very good too.  He made the pie crust from scratch and hand picked the berries himself.  I'm proud.  Got to skype with Erika and Suzanne which was a great way to connect with family that couldn't be here in person.  Played a game of Catch Phrase and Cranium.  That was pretty much it, not much of Christie's family was represented this year.  Of course her parents were there but Jason left before dinner and no one from Spokane was able to make it.

Friday 26:  Ventured out to Ann Taylor Loft and Eddie Bauer to do a little Christmas/Birthday shopping for myself.  I can't stop myself from doing this--every year.  But the deals were so good and I got some new  and very beautiful clothes.  I'm happy.  Jim had to work and I spent more time in my closet, making room for the new items, out with the old. 

Sat 27:  Shopped at Lowes, needing a water filter for the fridge, a white elephant gift, a glance at wallpaper (for behind the bookshelves in the family room).  Lunch at Rambling Jack's--not the best but we will return since this has been the only mediocre experience we have had at this great restaurant.  Plus, their sweet potato fries are delish.  Zach went over to Ranjan's house to play.  Ranjan is leaving tomorrow morning early to Las Vegas for the week.  This is how he gets to celebrate his birthday--lucky young man.
Watched "Adam" a movie about a man with Asperger's.  Lovely and a great soundtrack.

Sun 28:  Picked up ski's at Alpine Experience.

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