Friday, November 19, 2010

Spent the morning volunteering in Madison's class.  The kids were working with clay making bells.  I can't wait to see how great they turn out.  During recess I helped count laps for Track Stars, a new program started this year to help get the kids more active.  They can earn charms for completing a card.  Each kid has to run 12 laps for every card they complete.  It is so awesome to see these kids out there running their hardest.  Today we noticed some kids were trying to cheat and get laps marked off that they didn't complete.  Already, in grade school the kniving has begun.  So sad.

And brrrrr it is getting so chilly outside.  We are expecting snow on Sunday.  We are very excited about this.  Usually the weather is too mellow around here for snow.  Reminder:  Madison needs new snow boots.

36 days til Christmas.  Already the parking lots are getting crowded.
OH, yesterday I made a trip to Home Depot to pick up some paint samples for the family room and kitchen.  Swung by the Christmas decoration department and saw a Charlie Brown Chrismas tree.  At only $10, I should have bought it.  There's something charming about that little twig of a tree hanging over lopsided from only one red ball.  Cute.  And the poinsettias were soooo pretty.  I want to get like 20 of them and put them all over the house.

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